I have an eye condition… Its called Astigmatism

A pair of eyes painted on a wall

Alarm bells were going off in my head when an eye exam in 2018 revealed that I had astigmatism, and not solely myopia. All sorts of dire thoughts were running through my mind until the optometrist put me out of my misery.

I thought astigmatism had to do with the inability to see colours. Turns out the correct term for complete colour blindness is monochromatism. Astigmatism is really just a fancy term for blurry vision. Other symptoms of astigmatism include squinting, difficulty seeing well at night, eyestrain.

Mayo Clinic in their article on astigmatism noted that “it may be present from birth, or it may develop after an eye injury, disease or surgery. Astigmatism isn’t caused or made worse by reading in poor light, sitting too close to the television or squinting.

Finding out I had astigmatism came as a shock to me because prior to 2018, all my eye exams showed that I had myopia (nearsightedness). When I asked the optometrist about this. He told me that astigmatism can occur together with myopia (as was my case).

My eyeglasses help to correct both conditions. The eyeglasses are also photochromic and have an anti-reflective coating. The photochromic lens help protect my eyes from the bright rays of the sun during the day. While the anti-reflective coating shields my eyes at night from the glare of the headlights of approaching vehicles and the halo around streetlights. Don’t worry, I’m not a vampire! My eyes are just sensitive to bright light.

Pair of my glasses and a name tag

Were you aware of the meaning of astigmatism prior to reading this post? Yes or No? Please let me know in the comments section. Also, do share one fun fact about you in the comments section.

By Eli

An introvert blogger.


  1. I have astigmatism &myopia too. Always found it interesting how the optician turning the lens could blur/sharpen my vision. 😅

    1. Hello Temi, Lovely to know that we’re in the same boat!😁
      I find reading from the eye chart fascinating. Usually I’m bumbling over the letters without my glasses, then gradually with the right lens, the letters are legible.

  2. Hi Elizabeth of the Bikaholics clan, we are members of the same club. My diagnosis was when I turned 8 and since then I have been a child of the glasses 🙂 All the best with the blog!

    1. Hello Elrykk of the Bikaholics clan😊,
      Thanks for sharing.
      I started wearing glasses to correct myopia from age 13 or so which is why the astigmatism diagnosis in 2018 came as a surprise.

  3. Astigmatism & myopia since I was a child.No one ever explained that Astigmatism meant blurry vision. It was always on the prescription after
    refraction. Now in 60s league with many eye issues. Visits have to be made regularly to Opthalmologists, Retinologists, Optometrist etc.

    1. Dear Funke,
      Thank you for sharing your experience. It’s great advice to visit the eye professionals regularly.

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